Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Please keep in mind we are actually in the middle of the jungle. Power outages happen, but don’t worry! Our small, silent generators will keep your phone charged and the kitchen running on natural gas. The rooms don’t need much electricity besides your flashlight (only the shower water is electrically heated). Enjoy the adventure!

1.– That the GUEST has voluntarily and spontaneously decided to stay at the HOTEL;
2.– That the PARTIES declare they have full legal capacity to settle;
3.– That without the signing of this transaction agreement by the PARTIES, the GUEST will not be able to stay at the facilities offered by the HOTEL, therefore agrees that they are not and will not be a guest or user of the facilities offered by the HOTEL;
4.– That the HOTEL will accept the GUEST to stay at the facilities it offers in the properties described below, provided that this transaction contract is previously signed by the PARTIES, as expressed in the clauses detailed below; CLAUSES

FIRST.– CANCELLATION POLICIES: The customer may cancel the reservation up to 8 days before the arrival date, if they cancel outside of this period, the establishment will charge 100% of the total amount. A date change can be made at least 8 days before the reservation. Only one date change is allowed. Modifications or date changes are subject to availability and the price may be modified depending on the new dates or rate changes made by the hotel itself. Early departures must be notified 24 hours in advance, otherwise the hotel will charge the current night. If the guest does not show up at the hotel, the reservation is automatically marked as “No Show” and 100% of the reserved accommodation will be charged. For date changes due to unforeseen events, supporting documents must be shown. All other cases will be analyzed individually depending on the event. Check-In time is from 3:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. (after this it will be considered a late check-in and will have an additional charge of 25 us) and Check-Out is until 11:00 a.m., late Check-Out is up to 1:00 p.m. (this will also have an additional charge of 25 us). PARAGRAPH: SELVAMINCA S.A.S is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the third-party service provider nor for any incident of any kind that occurs by virtue of the contract or that is directly or indirectly related to the execution of this. Until the hotel offers its additional services or experiences directly, only SELVAMINCA S.A.S will be an intermediary between the user and the acquisition of services through a third party. SELVAMINCA S.A.S assumes that all its guests staying at the hotel have the necessary documents to visit the country such as (Visas, vaccines, certificates, among others), with the Hotel being solely responsible for requiring a valid passport to report it to the legal authorities. Minors must be accompanied by their parents, or by a representative who demonstrates a family relationship with the minor. Relevant documents such as notarized birth records, identity cards, or special permits granted by the competent authorities. SELVAMINCA S.A.S offers its guests free parking during their stay but is not responsible for any loss of valuable items left inside the vehicle, partial and total damage to it, or the loss of items, documents, jewelry, money inside the hotel and its rooms as it is the guest’s responsibility and obligation to take care of their belongings, with SELVAMINCA S.A.S exempt from any responsibility. Guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into the hotel, if they are brought in, a corkage fee equivalent to 50% of the sale price in SelvaMinca will be charged. Damage caused by guests to any property or item inside the hotel will be charged and the guest will have the obligation to pay within the account the amount incurred in repairs or replacement of the item if necessary. For damage caused, noise fines or minibar consumptions that have not been reported, the charge or collection will be made through one of the hotel’s different payment methods.
The guest acknowledges that the accommodation service is provided in a room, Eco-Lodge in natural environments which, by its nature, involves greater risks than traditional accommodations and requires a high level of diligence in self-care on the part of the guest, as well as strict compliance with behavior recommendations clearly, completely, and sufficiently informed by the staff. The guest recognizes that such special risks can arise from situations NOT controllable by the operator such as the natural environment, geographical access and location circumstances of the facilities, climatic aspects and forest structures, acts of nature, morphological conditions of the land and buildings, temperature variations, as well as other risks derived from omissions and/or inappropriate behavior of the guest, their own state of health, their medical history, the intake of medications, alcoholic beverages, or other psychoactive substances that limit their ability to anticipate risks or induce them to recklessly assume some. They also understand that, despite the diligence measures provided by SELVAMINCA S.A.S, these risks can materialize and generate various physical, fatal, permanent, or transient consequences, which the guest assumes having been previously informed. Therefore, on a personal basis and on behalf of others acting in their favor, they release the company SELVAMINCA S.A.S, its controlling entities, subsidiaries, shareholders, representatives, agents, and employees, their successors or debtors, from all responsibility for any claim or liability arising from their stay, except in cases of proven malice or gross negligence attributable to said company. Additionally, in the unlikely event of civil liability of SELVAMINCA S.A.S for the only causes already described (malice or gross negligence), the parties agree that, based on the principle of contractual equity of risks and economy of the same, the existence of real patrimonial or extrapatrimonial damage suffered by the guest or their beneficiaries is verified, the respective compensation may not exceed in any case the equivalent of 30 SMLMV, an amount that will only be recognized if the existence of compensable damage and its amount are previously verified. It is clear to the parties that SELVAMINCA S.A.S will not be responsible in any case for indirect or unforeseen damages.
We are an environmentally friendly hotel, therefore, it is forbidden to throw garbage and cigarette butts anywhere in the hotel that is not intended for this. POLICIES AND DECREES Personal data provided by users or visitors on the website will not be shared with third parties, except with express authorization or requirement of competent authority, the foregoing in application of the personal data protection law 1581 of 2012. SELVAMINCA S.A.S complies with laws 679 of 2001 (Art. 16, 17, and 19), 1336 of 2009, Law 599 of 2000, and resolution 3840 of 2009 which aim to dictate measures of protection against exploitation, pornography, sexual tourism, and other forms of sexual abuse against children and adolescents. SELVAMINCA S.A.S adheres to the requirements set forth in Decree 4000 of 2004 regarding foreigner control.

SECOND.– Damages caused by guests to any property or item within the hotel establishment will be charged, and the guest will have the obligation to pay the account for repairs or replacement of the item if necessary. For purposes of damages caused, noise fines, or consumption of the mini-bar that has not been reported, the charge or collection will be made through one of the different payment methods of
the hotel.

THIRD.– The GUEST freely and spontaneously waives any contractual and extra-contractual liability from the HOTEL in the occurrence of any of the following events within the hotel grounds and buildings, for which the GUEST, and their minor children, waive(s) to initiate any legal, judicial, or extrajudicial actions against the HOTEL for the compensation of damages that may be caused by the following events listed as
examples: A.- FOR JUNGLE OR OPEN FIELD RISKS: among others; – bites and/or stings from insects and animals, from falling for any reason or cause, from falling objects, from river flooding of any nature, from theft, theft of personal material possessions. B.- PROHIBITIONS: Pets of any species are not allowed in the hotel facilities. Smoking inside the HOTEL is not allowed. In case of non-compliance, a fine of 50 US DOLLARS will be imposed, alter and/or disturb the order and tranquility of the other guests by making noises that disturb the calm of the guests. It is requested that after 8:00 pm there is no music or noise in the HOTEL or rooms so as not to interrupt the sleep of the other guests.
In case of non-compliance with the policy; after the third notice and/or notification about the noise, a fine of $400 US DOLLAR will be applied.
The consumption, sale, and supply of psychotropic drugs, hallucinogens, and in general substances that alter consciousness and/or physical mobility are not allowed. The list of risks noted in this clause is not exhaustive but illustrative. Therefore, this contract refers to all events that may cause harm to the GUEST that occur within the properties indicated in the first clause and that are not caused by the HOTEL’s fault. For all purposes, the GUEST will be responsible even for slight negligence. For this reason, the GUEST may not act within the facilities and properties of the HOTEL, posing risks to third parties or to himself/herself, and the GUEST will act with utmost diligence within the facilities and properties of the HOTEL. In the event of damages due to the events described in this clause, the HOTEL will not be obliged under any
circumstances to provide first aid to the GUEST or to assist him/her.

FOURTH.– In the event of any occurrence mentioned in the previous clause, this transaction contract will prevail between the PARTIES, by which the PARTIES prevent any future litigation between them in relation to the events described in the clause, and will produce between the PARTIES a res judicata effect in the final instance. For all purposes, this transaction contract provides executive merit, and its display will be

FIFTH.– If the GUEST breaches this contract, he/she undertakes to pay the HOTEL a penalty equivalent to USD 500. For the HOTEL to collect this monetary penalty from the GUEST through the executive process, it will suffice to display this contract accompanied by a certification issued by the entity before which the GUEST decided to initiate legal, judicial, or extrajudicial actions related to the facts and
effects referred to in the first clause.

ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By accessing the website and/or contacting any of the services offered by SELVAMINCA S.A.S, it is assumed that the user is fully aware and capable of interpreting the content of the offers and services provided by the hotel and is correctly informed of the conditions of time, manner, and place of each of them when requesting the service. If in doubt, he/she should contact the hotel directly before paying for lodging and additional services, as once the service is reserved, it cannot be canceled or modified except for the exceptions contained in this document and previously informed. In any case, the user expressly accepts any contract by which SELVAMINCA S.A.S. controls and regulates the policies of these terms and conditions.

PRIVACY POLICY AND AUTHORIZATION OF DATA AND INFORMATION USE: SELVAMINCA S.A.S. Nit: 901568904-1 is the legal entity responsible for processing the personal data of our guests, which are digitally stored and protected. SELVAMINCA S.A.S. is committed to respecting and guaranteeing the rights of its customers, collaborators, employees, and third parties, ensuring the responsible use of data in all activities involving, in whole or in part, the collection, storage, use, circulation, and transfer of this information. The collection and processing of personal data will be carried out for lawful purposes, respecting general, special rules, and the authorization given by the owner. Only strictly necessary personal data may be collected to fulfill the purposes of SELVAMINCA S.A.S’s corporate purpose, so it is prohibited to record and disclose data that does not closely relate to this objective. Consequently, we will do everything reasonably possible to limit the processing of personal data to the minimum necessary. That is, the data must be: adequate, relevant, and in line with the purposes for which they were intended. Article 15 of the Colombian Political Constitution establishes that any person has the right to know, update, and rectify the personal data that exists about her in databases or files of public or private entities. Likewise, it orders those who have personal data of third parties to respect the rights and guarantees provided for in the Constitution when collecting, processing, and circulating this type of information.
Statutory Law 1581 of October 17, 2012, establishes the minimum conditions for legitimately processing the personal data of customers, employees, and any other natural person. Literal k) of article 17 of this law requires those responsible for processing personal data to: “Adopt an internal manual of policies and procedures to ensure compliance with this law and, in particular, to address inquiries and complaints.”
Article 25 of the same law establishes that data processing policies are mandatory and that their ignorance will result in sanctions. These policies cannot guarantee a level of processing lower than that established in law 1581 of 2012. In accordance with law 1273 of 2009 constitutes the crime of violation of personal data: “Anyone who, without being authorized to do so, for their own benefit or that of a third party, obtains, compiles, extracts, offers, sells, exchanges, sends, buys, intercepts, discloses, modifies, or uses personal codes, personal data contained in files, archives, databases, or similar means.” Decree 1377 of 2013 partially regulated law 1581 of 2012, indicating among other things, the minimum characteristics of the data processing policies that those responsible for processing the information must develop.

As a sign of acceptance, this contract is signed between the PARTIES in two (02) original copies, each with the same evidentiary value.