
Vedic Natal Chart reading

bigioadm bigioadm September 19, 2023 Activities

Your Dharma or Life Purpose is Available for you every day of your Life. There is  no need to Do or Achieve anything. Gain clarity on yours booking a Vedic Astrology Natal Chart Reading

1:1 personalized session to talk about:

-Your Dharma, The Energy and Experiences that make you feel Bliss.

-Your Gifts and Talents (positive Karma, learnings from previous lives), that are

the ¨stairs¨ to step into to experience Your Dharma

-Raise Awareness of Patterns that make you feel Pain and need to transcend (negative karma)

Vedic Astrology is ̈Jyotish ̈ in sánskrit, and it translates as Flame or Torch. Jyotish Illuminates our Consciousness and allows us to see.

Your Guide in this inner journey is María Eugenia. Providing a safe space and a place where people can disconnect from the outside to connect within, has been her passion for the last years.

Born and raised in Argentina, lived in Belgium and has been living in Minca since early 2022. She shares her talents these days as Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Counselor and Vedic Astrologer.


~ 1: 1 session

~ 90 minutes

~ Ask for Availability at least 1 day in advance.

~ You need to know your time, place and date of birth.